CRIP Lab: International Community Launch, March 15, 2024, OCAD University

Ocular Occurrences, P. Patterson 2023

CRIP Lab local, national, and international members met in Toronto at OCAD University, 49 McCaul St. We reached out through our creative practices to celebrate our community(ies) on March 15, 2024! 

CRIP Lab Event Planners and Curatorial Team: Roman Romanov, Pam Patterson, Matt Hawthorn, Aysia Tse, Mason Smart, Lauchlin MacQuarrie.

Event Date was March 15, 2024. 12 NOON - 6 PM

Event Schedule:

11-12 Noon - Arrival & Snacks

12.00 PM All Gather - Welcome, Intros and Facilitator Invitations 

1PM - 2.30PM  Four simultaneous Work/Play Group Sessions with Matt Hawthorn, Maya Desai, Roman Romanov &, in the Black Box Theatre, Rebecca Caines with Pam Patterson & Trisha Lamie.

2.30-3.30 Report back go-around from each season leaders

3.30-4PM Transition time

4-6PM Opening Reception 

Reception with onsite representation with Laura Thrasher, Transformative Access Community of Practice, FCDC, OCAD U. 

Exhibition with CRIP Lab members: Aysia Tse, Raha Fard, Nasim Salehi, Pam Patterson, Joanna Black, Ali Brown, Elfy Castro, Matt Hawthorn, and Sam Metz.

* Special thanks to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Sustainability Initiatives (ODESI) & the Faculty and Curriculum Development Centre, OCAD University and the Ontario Arts Council for funding support for this event. 

* Special thanks to the IDRC and to the OCAD Writing Program for use of their respective rooms for this event. 

Please note, as many of our community are immunocompromised, we note  that  attendees may wish to wear masks at 49 McCaul. 

Fidgeting for Creativity: Comfort and Care playshop with Rebecca Caines, Trisha Lamie and Pam Patterson was videotaped and there was Zoom access (for three other event workshops each respectively with Maya Desai, Roman Romanov, and Matt Hawthorn). Documentation is below.


Sample Event Photographs (by Joanna Black):

Exhibit Entrance at 49 McCaul with video by Matt Hawthorn & Sam Metz UK:
[Lauchlin MacQuarrie and Ali Brown on the left stand in an open sweeping space, the Red Room glimmering in the background, each looking right, watching the videos by Sam Metz and Matt Hawthorn which evocatively and haptically invite us to explore stimming space and objects and in creative thinking.] 

Opening Gathering in the Red Room:
[Vibrant red walls and floor hold a number of people - sitting, standing, in motorized scooters, on walkers, using canes, and signing as we gather to talk about the work/play ahead.]

In the Exhibition: 
[Figures are central here - Leena Raudvee, masked using her walker, Rebecca Caines, leaning against her cane near the window her long hair sweeping over her face, and tall bearded with glasses Matt Hawthorn is in conversation with Raha Fard and Pam Patterson. To our left is Raha's red and black rug hung on the wall which maps a pattern that illustrates the impact of trauma on her body on her Iranian homeland. Windows behind the figures give us viewing access to the rumbling streetcars turning along McCaul.]

Excerpt from the workshop with Pam Patterson, Trisha Lamie and Rebecca Caines - Fidgeting for Creativity: Comfort and Care. Thanks to L:auchlin MacQuarrie (videography) and Jordan King (editing).